Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Conifer Park #6 HOA Meeting
Tuesday, December 4th, 2018

Attendees Present
Gerry Austin, Dave Black, Deshawn Dixon, Caitlin Ehli, Jason Jablonski,
Nancy Rollins, Richelle Sherwood

Meeting called to order at 7:12pm – Jason Jablonski

Treasurer’s Report presented by Nancy Rollins
Status of Annual Assessments
·         Second Notice – Past Due Statements were mailed on June 4th
·         Reminders were delivered to resident owners with the picnic notice
·         Nancy sent an email reminder to the absent owner of Lot 92 – He had told Nancy back in June that he would send a check when he returned from vacation – No response has yet to be received
·         Only 1 of our 93 owners only owe for 2018 at the rate of $65.00
·         9 owners still owe for 2018 and for prior years: Total past due = $1,752.38
*  4 owe for 2017 and 2018 (3 at $136.68 and 1 at $115.40
*  4 owe for 2016-2018 (3 at $215.71 and 1 at $210.59)
*  Lot 47 owes for 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 at $304.22
·         There is “future credit” for lots that have over paid, plus a title company paid for 2019 at $65.00 when paying the past due assessment.
*  Total future credit received in 2018 = $93.12
*  Lot 64 remaining future credit received in 2016 = $60.00 (Owners live in Germany)

Year-End Financial Status
·         The Checking Account balance is already less than year-end 2017
*  12/31/17 = $5,234.26
*  12/3/18 = $4,955.07
·         Expenses due before year-end
*  Progressive Landscapes for November (2 days) – Estimated at $298.66
*  Post Office Box renewal fee – Estimated at $108.00
Properties Sold
·         8 properties have sold in 2018
*  Lots 8, 27, 30, 43, 48, 71, 75, 80
* Lot 67 is expected to be listed for sale soon

Old Business
Park Committee
·         Caitlin Ehli will coordinate with the members of the Park Committee to schedule a meeting to discuss a proposal.
* Proposal will explore new park signs, new fence, new bench, and possible play toy.
Park Committee members are Cammy Austin, Rick Chapman, Dawn Davis,
Deshawn Dixon, and Caitlin Ehli.

·         Dues were increased to $65.00 for 2018
§  Based on the CC&Rs, the HOA cannot raise the dues more than the cost of living, CPI increase for the Seattle, Tacoma, Bremerton area.
·         The annual CPI numbers will be released sometime in the of January 2019.
·         The HOA Board will set the Annual Assessment (dues) amount after the CPI information is available.
·         The assessment notice will be mailed in mid-to-late February, with a due date of March 31st.

New Business
·         An updated newsletter will be mailed with the 2019 Assessment notice.

Caroling and Cocoa
·         When: Saturday, December 22nd, 2018
·         Time: 6pm
·         Where: Dawn Davis has graciously offered to host (Blue house across the street from the park)
·         Look for a reminder on the Conifer Park #6 HOA Facebook Page

Facebook Page
·         Commercial/ business posts or announcements are PROHIBITED on the Conifer Page #6 HOA Facebook Page. If you are wishing to post advertisements, please make those posts on the appropriate buy, sell, trade pages on Facebook.
*  This page is meant for neighborhood announcements, updates, questions, and concerns.
*  Gerry Austin made the motion and was seconded Mrs. Richelle Sherwood.
*  Gerry Austin will update the description on the Facebook page, to prohibit commercial/ business posts

Upcoming – Next Meeting
Tuesday, January 29th, 2019 at 7pm

Meeting Adjourned at 8:42pm