Sunday, February 18, 2007

CCandR link

Hey ya'll.

Nancy said that she had some formatting problems when she pulled up the CCandR's off the link on the left. She's using a Mac, so that might explain why she's seeing something different than me, but I'm wondering if anyone else is having this problem?

Does anyone have a way to publish .pdf files? That would probably be the best fix so that it would work well for everyone.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Some more tweaks

So I figured out how to load our covenants and some forms onto the Internet Archive, and have linked them on the right side of the page. The Internet Archive is a really cool tool, that's used mostly by hippies to trade old grateful dead recordings, but recently people have been using it for digital archiving and publishing as well. It's basically like a digital version of the Library of Congress, except storage is unlimited. By posting our coventants there, they will forever exist in the public domain, and will be accessable to anyone. We can publish changes, but the original documents, in their original form will always be there, as will every change.... and it's free!

I'm slowly trying to merge the old site to this platform... Telebyte has reactivated our account, Heh, reminds me of a saying... arguing with and engineer, is just like wresting a pig in the mud, sooner or later, you realize that the pig kind of likes it. Anyway, we can probably leave the old site up for a while until we get going...

Anyway, please leave a comment if you log in on what you think of this experiment. You can do this by clicking the 'comment' link below this post.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

New website

In an effort to save some money, and to better communication within our community, we've moved our website to this blog. We were paying nearly $100 a year for the hosting of our minimial website previously, and felt that this would be a better deal, and a more useful tool to homeowners, as this site enables comments and feedback to be posted directly.

I hope to transfer all documents that we had previously on our old website, but I also tend to think that these were seldom used by most homeowners. It is my hope, that by moving to a more robust and cutting edge platform, that we will be able to empower more community involvement. Suggestions and feedback are really appreciated. I have little experience with social networking sites like myspace or facebook, but I'm thinking that those might be interesting platforms to explore as well.

This forum will provide for direct feedback within the community. Registering with, will enable you to post articles. For the time being, we will also allow anonymous comments, as we recognize that not all users may want to register. If you chose to comment anonymously, we encourage you to identify yourself in your commetn.

Discussions will be moderated by me, and any posts that are offensive or slanderous will be removed.