Friday, July 8, 2011

HOA Board Meeting - 04-27-11 meeting minutes

Here are the meeting minutes for the April HOA Board meeting.

6.40pm: official start of meeting

- Treasurer’s report

- as of April 26, there are 32 owners who have not paid 2011 dues. Nine of these owners also owe for 1 or more prior years.

- Nancy checked Assessor’s website, no change in ownership on foreclosure properties noted

- A 2nd notice "assessment" reminder will be mailed in June 2011

6.48pm: there has been no contact with landscaping company about the park; it is assumed that there are no changes in fees/rates for now. The HOA's 2010 Federal Income Tax return was filed, with no tax due.

6.50pm: Bank of America called; yard mowed, window repaired; fees not yet paid; Gerry was referred to other person on late shift. The board discussed a possible settlement with BoA. It has been almost a year but still no notice that the property is in foreclosure; it is still showing ‘Stanford’ as owner; Gerry will follow up

6.52pm: a letter was sent to the home owners of the property on the corner of Empress Ct; the remaining “pole” that remained after the trees were cut was taken down; no more parking on grass; issue is considered resolved

- Rental house on the corner of Saxon (2964 Fircrest Dr SE) appears empty. Owners paid the dues.

- letter to be sent to Sidhu (Jackie’s neighbor) about parking on grass – the home is owner occupied and the extra vehicles seem to belong to a brother currently staying with owner

7pm: a verbal complaint was received from the owner of the house on the corner of Fircrest Dr & Earls Ct (Anthony): the neighbor boy had a party and there were so many cars from guests that they were stuck in their own drive way

- Wait for now, see if reoccurring; they possibly have to alert police

- They already confronted the kids, they should contact parents

7.15pm: upcoming events: garage sale 11th of June, annual meeting 2nd of August

7.20pm: official end of meeting