Friday, September 17, 2010

Annual HOA Meeting – 08-03-10

Here are the meeting minutes for this year's Annual HOA meeting.

6:30 pm: meeting starts

Introduction from Gerry Austin: meeting falls on “National Night Out”

6:40 pm: Treasurer’s Report by Nancy Rollins

6:45 pm: Elections

· Marco DiCicco has completed his Director 3-year term, and 1-year as appointed president

· New Director: Jana Sanders (Continuing Directors: Richelle Sherwood & Laura Young)

· New President: Gerry Austin

· Re-elected Vice-President: Michael Groah

· Re-elected Secretary: Danica Groah

· Re-elected Treasurer: Nancy Rollins

6:50 pm: current issues are discussed

· Park Issues: maintenance company was contacted about the “brown grass”; it appears someone (children?) changed the controls, turning off the water, soon after the grass was fertilized resulting in chemical burn; parents urged to watch their children; also: please provide trash bags to kids when they bring snacks; do not allow children under 12 years of age to play unattended in the park.

· Newspaper-Delivery: local newspaper was contacted about a delivery person with an overly loud car (possibly missing a muffler) that woke up neighbors at 4:00 in the morning; apparently this person has been removed from this route

· Abandoned House: Bank of America was contacted about the state of the abandoned house on Saxon Ct; pictures were taken; BofA said they were getting bids from a landscaping company but no contract yet; if no response by Friday August 6, a group of neighbors will gather and take care of the overgrown yard

· Architectural Review: it was pointed out that permission needs to be obtained from the architectural review committee if a tree over 4” in diameter is to be cut down; last year a tree cutting service was utilized by several neighborhood homeowners without approval; also asked neighbors to inform the architectural review committee of any upcoming construction on the property, so that measures can be put in place (alert other neighbors, provide guidelines, etc)

· Lovebird found on Earls Court

· A Community Garden was suggested, no final decision was made, pending further examination

7:35 pm: Drawing for Ace Hardware gift certificates:

winners: $50 Dawn & Matt Davis, $25 Kristin & Dave Black

7:40 pm: End of meeting

The Architectual Review Committee consists of the following members:
Jaclyn Petersen
Dave Black
Gerry Austin