Saturday, October 20, 2012

HOA Annual Meeting/Picnic – August 7th, 2012 - meeting minutes

HOA Annual Meeting/Picnic – August 7th, 2012

6.30pm: meeting opened by President Gerry Austin
- reminder to everyone: email alerts are available for everyone wanting to leave their email address with the HOA, email addresses will not be shared for commercial use
- a wolf was seen in the neighborhood
- dog owners are reminded that their pets are their responsibility and dogs need to be kept on a leash

- Treasurer’s Report by Nancy Rollins
- special mention of curved mirror installed on Fircrest Dr SE opposite SE Dover Ct, purchased by the HOA, and installed by volunteers Plinio Santos & Gerry Austin
- it is mentioned that there are still unpaid homeowner’s dues
- speed bumps: the remaining speed bump will be removed when the scheduled street repair project is done. 
- This summer 2011 project for Fircrest Drive SE has been delayed.
- Gerry Austin spoke with owner Steve Ebner, who will contact the county to have the speed bumps reinstalled in the correct locations - on either end of our park on Fircrest.

- open floor for concerns, comments
- should shrubs/bushes in the park be cut shorter/dead wood removed? Sally Loree will speak to the landscaping company about this.
- Lot 61 on Saxon Ct:
- Gerry summarizes the backstory and where we are currently at regarding BoA
- it is mentioned that the house appears to be molding
- Gerry/Jaclyn will give 10 days notice for entering then alert BoA / authorities as necessary

-       The current board is introduced
-       Elections:
-       Secretary - Danica Groah is nominated/elected to continue as secretary
-       Treasurer - Nancy Rollins is nominated/elected to continue as treasurer
-       President - Gerry Austin declines nomination to continue as president.
-       Jason Jablonski declines nomination
-       Michael Groah is nominated/elected as president 
-       Vice President - Jason Jablonski is nominated/elected as vice president.
-       Board of Directors / 3 year term: Melinda Brown is nominated/elected.
-       The continuing Directors are 
-       Richelle Sherwood - term ending 2014
-       Heidi Jablonski - term ending 2013 

Gift card drawing: $50 go to Dawn & Matt Davis; $25 to Heidi & Jason Jablonski

7.20pm: Meeting adjourned

-   Households attending: 18 owners & 1 renter

Saturday, October 6, 2012

HOA Board Meeting - 02-20-12 meeting minutes

HOA Meeting – February 20th, 2012

6.00 pm – meeting starts
Attending: Gerry Austin, Nancy Rollins, Danica Groah, Michael Groah (thru his proxy Danica), Richelle Sherwood, Heidi Jablonski, Jason Jablonski

- the HOA P.O. Box is discussed
- ownership of the P.O. Box needs to be transferred into the name of the HOA, it is currently registered under the name of one of the previous HOA members
- a newly offered “Real Mail” option is discussed that allows for email alerts to be sent to the registered owner(s) when mail arrives

- a BoA priority mail letter was left on Lot 61 Saxon Ct
- BoA is now working to settle with the former owners of Lot 61 (3 years later)
- if they settle, the owners would be responsible for our charges from the clean up
- contractors are currently maintaining the property

6.25pm Laura moved away, hence vacated the officer position
Richelle Sherwood: newly re-elected
Heidi: was elected last year
Laura: would have been up for election this year
-       Nominations were made to fill the vacant position
-       Danica nominated – accepts nomination
6.28pm: Danica is elected with unanimous consent

6.30pm dues discussion
- Per CPI the maximum increase possible is either
- Dec to Dec = +3.5% (=$2.17)
- Annual volatile= +2.7%
- it is voted on which rate to use to determine a possible dues increase
- using the annual CPI to determine a possible dues increase is unanimously approved
- the finances are reviewed and Treasurer Nancy recommends a $1 increase
- it is mentioned that there have been complaints about the amount of money spent

- the discussion regarding a possible dues increase is closed
- the dues will not be increased this year, other measures to be examined first
- No motion to put ballot measure to raise the dues at the summer meeting this year

- Danica volunteers to send 2 additional notices to those that have not paid after the initial request and a reminder notice sent by Nancy
- this notice is going to be hand-delivered (Jay volunteers)
- filing leans on properties with dues 2 years or more past due are a possibility

- a complaint letter is requested to be sent to Lot 45 regarding the ruts

- a new key for the HOA P.O. box is approved if the 2nd key to the P.O. Box cannot be located

7.40pm end of meeting