Sunday, August 17, 2014

2014 HOA Annual Meeting Minutes

2014 HOA Annual Meeting
August 7, 2014 Conifer Park #6 Community Park
18 properties were represented:
13 owners - dues current
 3 owners with past due amounts (one said bill payer set up, but I haven't received it yet)
 2 renters
18:31 Call to Order M. Groah President
New Officers
New Business/Open Floor
18:32 Financial Report
2013 Annual Report
2014 Treasurers Report
Insurance keeps going up
General Liability
D & O insurance
10% discount but still increase to $1200
Park also large expense
Had to replace the sprinkler timer
Assessment income
Any time there is a foreclosure means we don't get the money as an HOA as we are a secondary lien holder
5 owners past due for 2014
2 partial for 2014
1 property has not paid since 2007 and there is a lien filed.
Questions of the Treasurer
18:37 Introductions
18:45 Financial Report Clarifications
M Groah statement on goal of break even or minimal net profit
Picnic Table needs repair
Fence needs repaired and painted, desire for a work party
Board's focus has been on keeping dues reasonable
18:50 Elections
Nancy Rollins nominated by Heidi Jablonski
Seconded by Macon
Move to Close by Gerry
Elected by unanimous ballot
2017 Position
Richelle nominated by Macon
Seconded by Heidi
Move to close by Gerry
Elected by Unanimous ballot
2016 Position (Melinda Brown has sold her home and is living the HOA)
Alan Mygatt-Tauber nominated by himslef
Seconded by Heidi
Move to close by Macon
Elected by unanimous ballot
Dave Black nominated by Macons
Seconded by Heidi
Move to close by Gerry
Elected by unanimous ballot
The lack of a newsletter was noted and acknowledged by Dave who will produce one next year
Michael Groah nominated by Gerry
Move to close by Heidi
Elected by unanimous Ballot
Vice President
Heather Mygatt-Tauber nominates herself
Seconded by Heidi
Move to Close by Gerry
Elected by unanimous ballot
Rick Chapman is now the the third member of the ARC along with Gerry Austin and Dave Black
19:00 Communication Channels
Meeting Minutes on the blog
Facebook Conifer Park 6 Homeowners Association
19:03 Q&A
19:12 Drawings
Plino and Deena $25
Black's $50
19:14 Move to Close
Unanimous ballot to close

Monday, August 11, 2014

2014 2nd Quarter Board Meeting Minutes

Conifer Park #6 HOA Board
2014 2nd Quarter Meeting
July 16th, 2014
Present: Dave Black, Richelle Sherwood, Mike Groah, Jason and Heidi Jablonski,  Nancy Rollins

Call to Order (Mike) 7:00
1.     Treasurers Report
a.     Due payments better than last year
                                               i.     Owners owing for only 2014: 5 plus 2 partial.  Total of 16 owners delinquent for 2014 and prior years
1.     Lot 7 sent an NSF check
2.     Lot 40 ien paid with settlement of forced sale
3.     Lot 61 vacant since 12/2008 - no lien, mortgage sold again
4.     Lot 21 (Hill) periodic payments to reduce balance due
b.     Annual Report
2.     New Business
a.     Minutes need to be posted on the blog
                                               i.     Behind 3.
                                              ii.     Dave will follow up with Gerry.
b.     Landscaper fixed the clock timer for the sprinklers for $175
                                               i.     Sherwoods breaker was tripped during the fix
1.     Sherwoods receive an annual credit of $43 for park power usage
c.      Insurance
                                               i.     Propel will continue honoring our $250 premium for Liability
1.     Agent sent notice to the underwriter of our D&O (Directors & Officers) insurance to apply for 10% discountAgent will follow up
2.     Nancy will continue to take ownership.
d.     Need for a Park work party
                                               i.     Sand and stain fence
1.     Install the post protectors at ground level so landscapers don’t chop off the posts
                                              ii.     Fix and repair picnic table under the north tree
1.     Who has the key to the chain?
2.     Should be moved and chained to the other table during winter so it doesn’t get damaged under the tree
3.     Picnic Planning
a.     When?
                                               i.     August 7, 2014 6 P.M.
b.     Positions to fill
                                               i.     President?
                                              ii.     Board positions
1.     Richelle will continue another term if elected
2.     Melinda is moving and has one year remaining on her termARC
3.     Jaclyn’s position
a.     She has not paid her dues and has not responded to ARC items from Gerry and Dave
c.      Dave posted on Facebook
d.     Black’s will ascertain sandwich boards and place on the corner of Conifer Park and Fircrest the days proceeding.
e.     Zack will make the flyers
f.      Jason and Zack will distribute (and we will hope that no one slams doors in their face)
                                               i.     Nancy will prepare delinquent notices to go in off color envelopes for past due
g.     Gift cards for raffle
                                               i.     Nancy will purchase two
1.     $50
2.     $25
h.     Kristen will shop using the receipt from Costco last year that came to $111.59
                                               i.     We need Ketchup/Mustard/Relish
                                              ii.     Paper plates
i.       Jason will bring grill
j.       Dave will bring camping stove and pot to boil hot dogs
4.     Architectural Board Review Items
a.     Renters not taking care of lawns
b.     Renters next to Barbara on Fircrest parking on the lawn, parking in the back
c.      Dave and Gerry discussed the Conifer Park lawn issues and followed up with the homeowners, progress seems to be made
d.     Boats seem to becoming more common
e.     Lots on Parkington still a concern.
f.      House North of the park, teenage sons who normally do the maintenance are our of town.  Needs to be addressed.
g.     Rats have been seen in a number of yards and trees
h.     Rental on Saxon and Fircrest
                                               i.     Dead brush and shrubs
1.     Fire Hazard
                                              ii.     Nancy will email Dave and the ARC will follow up
5.     Move to Close (Dave) and Meeting Adjourned 8:15 PM

2013 2nd Quarter Board Meeting

Conifer Park #6 HOA Board
2013 2nd Quarter Meeting
July 24th, 2013
Present: Dave Black, Richelle Sherwood, Mike Groah, Jason and Heidi Jablonski, Jaclyn Petersen, Nancy Rollins

Call to Order (Mike) 7:31
1.     HOA Architectural Review position opening when Jaclyn moves
a.     Allow her to serve while home is rented
b.     Gauge interest during summer meeting?
2.     Annual Meeting
a.     When?
                                               i.     August 7, 2013 6 P.M.
b.     Gift cards for raffle
                                               i.     Nancy will purchase two
1.     $50
2.     $25
c.      Jaclyn will shop
d.     Jason will bring grill
e.     Dave will bring camping stove and pot to boil hot dogs
3.     Treasurers report
a.     Larger number of dues not paid at this point than previous years
                                               i.     14 for 2013
                                              ii.     21 delinquent overall
                                            iii.     $3058. 72 outstanding
b.     Lot 40
                                               i.     Lien will be executed for past due amount plus fees
c.      Lot 21
                                               i.     Action to place a lien on hold as making payments
                                              ii.     Have paid $235
d.     Lot 29
                                               i.     Paid
e.     Lot 37
                                               i.     In Foreclosure
                                              ii.     Owe 210.21
                                            iii.     No action to be taken
f.      Lot 61
                                               i.     Jason and or Mike will provide Nancy with contact at B of A
                                              ii.     Nancy to contact regarding the $297.32 owed
g.     Lot 4
                                               i.     Caught up with 2012
                                              ii.     Past due for 2013
h.     Insurance Status
                                               i.     DnO policy
1.     Premium has increased 16%
2.     Nancy read letter from Agent through Underwriter
3.     Receiving a 10% credit
4.     Assessed a $20 policy fee
5.     Follow up on going
4.     New Business
a.     Picnic Notices
                                               i.     Will encourage folks to bring checkbooks to get current
                                              ii.     Will include past due notices for those not current
                                            iii.     Will be printed on paper of another color (hot pink, green)
1.     Have $ amount printed
                                            iv.     Jason will provide Nancy Paper
                                              v.     Nancy will prepare and print notices
                                            vi.     Mike and Jason will deliver all invitations
1.     Will use blue tape to affix to doors, windows, etc
b.     Picnic Preparation
                                               i.     Wednesday August 7th,,  6 PM
                                              ii.     Increase in costs will be discussed
1.     P.O. Box
2.     Insurance
3.     (?)Park Maintenance
a.     Richelle will return voice mail
                                            iii.     Desire to keep dues flat in spite of increased costs
                                            iv.     Jaclyn will shop
1.     Cookies
2.     Meat
3.     Fruit
a.     Watermelon, Black’s can help carve if need be
4.     Bus
5.     Ketchup and Mustard
6.     Napkins, Boats, Supplies
                                              v.     Boiled and Grilled hot dogs
                                            vi.     Jason and Mike will deliver notices
c.      Wasps in the park
                                               i.     Matt Davis sprayed and could be reimbursed if he submits a claim
d.     Fence will need to be replaced in the next 3 – 5 years
e.     Speed bumps have returned
5.     Meeting Adjourned 9:07 PM