Sunday, April 14, 2013

HOA Board meeting – 01-28-2013 meeting minutes

HOA meeting minutes – 01-28-2013

Present: Nancy Rollins, Michael Groah, Danica Groah, Gerry Austin, Melinda Brown, Richelle Sherwood, Jaclyn Petersen, Heidi Jablonski via her proxy Danica, Jason Jablonski via his proxy Michael

7.10pm: meeting starts
- Follow up on a verbal complaint from the owner of Lot 54 on Earls Ct regarding parked cars/RVs on another property on Earls Ct: A drive-by of the property showed no trash and the cars were parked within regulation. The issue now seems resolved as the owner making the complaint also moved.
- Lot 20 on Dover Ct: A sign was posted on the property, advertising RV parking. Nancy informed the contact given on the sign about the HOA rules regarding RV parking. So far there has not been a response.
 - A check for the dues was received from a property on Earls Ct, which included payment for dues in advance. Once the dues for this year are determined, Nancy will return the check and inform them how much is due.

- verbal complaint for Fircrest property about dirt against fence

- annual Treasurer’s report & current report for this year
- certified letters: 1 was delivered (Lot 7, Hathaway Ct), the other letter (Lot 21, Dover Ct) was returned as non-deliverable approximately one month after it was sent. Nancy hand-delivered the returned letter shortly after and the owner promised to begin making payments. Nancy agreed not to file a lien just yet but without giving a timeframe for this break
- 1 owner paid the delinquent dues in response to the "third notice mailing". A lien was filed against lot 7 on Hathaway Court, when there was no response to our certified letter.
- The owner of Lot 4 on Hathaway Ct sent a check but the check bounced due to insufficient funds. Payment was promised for 01/22/13, however, no payment has been received yet

- The bank (Chase) only requires checks to be signed by one person, but HOA policy is to have two signers on all checks. Gerry Austin has been an authorized signer on HOA checks, with Nancy Rollins (Treasurer) issuing the checks. Gerry asked that the Board officially authorize him to remain as a signer, even though he is not currently an elected officer or director. 
- A motion was called to continue having Gerry as signee. It was unanimously approved.

- discussion to take Dawn off as signer
- future expenses are discussed: A new fence will be needed for the park soon, which is likely to cost approximately $3000-$4000. Other operating expenses may increase. We are currently breaking even.

- A possible need for a dues increase to cover for future expenses is discussed. As per the CPI increase, a maximum increase of the HOA dues of $1.55 is possible for this year.
- The effect of a possible furlough for the shipyard on the community/our neighborhood is taken into consideration.
- The possibility of having to pay for the speed bumps to be put back into place is brought up.

- Vote: Should we raise the dues?
- 4 vote in favor, 4 are opposed
- President has to vote to break the tie and votes in favor of an increase of the dues
- Discussion of how much the dues should be increased by
- A motion to raise the dues by $1 for 2013 is approved with none opposed

- Danica announces resignation from secretary position
- Newsletter: articles to be sent to Danica, will still do layout for this newsletter
- Community garage sale is to be spearheaded by Melinda

9pm: meeting ends

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