Saturday, October 20, 2012

HOA Annual Meeting/Picnic – August 7th, 2012 - meeting minutes

HOA Annual Meeting/Picnic – August 7th, 2012

6.30pm: meeting opened by President Gerry Austin
- reminder to everyone: email alerts are available for everyone wanting to leave their email address with the HOA, email addresses will not be shared for commercial use
- a wolf was seen in the neighborhood
- dog owners are reminded that their pets are their responsibility and dogs need to be kept on a leash

- Treasurer’s Report by Nancy Rollins
- special mention of curved mirror installed on Fircrest Dr SE opposite SE Dover Ct, purchased by the HOA, and installed by volunteers Plinio Santos & Gerry Austin
- it is mentioned that there are still unpaid homeowner’s dues
- speed bumps: the remaining speed bump will be removed when the scheduled street repair project is done. 
- This summer 2011 project for Fircrest Drive SE has been delayed.
- Gerry Austin spoke with owner Steve Ebner, who will contact the county to have the speed bumps reinstalled in the correct locations - on either end of our park on Fircrest.

- open floor for concerns, comments
- should shrubs/bushes in the park be cut shorter/dead wood removed? Sally Loree will speak to the landscaping company about this.
- Lot 61 on Saxon Ct:
- Gerry summarizes the backstory and where we are currently at regarding BoA
- it is mentioned that the house appears to be molding
- Gerry/Jaclyn will give 10 days notice for entering then alert BoA / authorities as necessary

-       The current board is introduced
-       Elections:
-       Secretary - Danica Groah is nominated/elected to continue as secretary
-       Treasurer - Nancy Rollins is nominated/elected to continue as treasurer
-       President - Gerry Austin declines nomination to continue as president.
-       Jason Jablonski declines nomination
-       Michael Groah is nominated/elected as president 
-       Vice President - Jason Jablonski is nominated/elected as vice president.
-       Board of Directors / 3 year term: Melinda Brown is nominated/elected.
-       The continuing Directors are 
-       Richelle Sherwood - term ending 2014
-       Heidi Jablonski - term ending 2013 

Gift card drawing: $50 go to Dawn & Matt Davis; $25 to Heidi & Jason Jablonski

7.20pm: Meeting adjourned

-   Households attending: 18 owners & 1 renter

Saturday, October 6, 2012

HOA Board Meeting - 02-20-12 meeting minutes

HOA Meeting – February 20th, 2012

6.00 pm – meeting starts
Attending: Gerry Austin, Nancy Rollins, Danica Groah, Michael Groah (thru his proxy Danica), Richelle Sherwood, Heidi Jablonski, Jason Jablonski

- the HOA P.O. Box is discussed
- ownership of the P.O. Box needs to be transferred into the name of the HOA, it is currently registered under the name of one of the previous HOA members
- a newly offered “Real Mail” option is discussed that allows for email alerts to be sent to the registered owner(s) when mail arrives

- a BoA priority mail letter was left on Lot 61 Saxon Ct
- BoA is now working to settle with the former owners of Lot 61 (3 years later)
- if they settle, the owners would be responsible for our charges from the clean up
- contractors are currently maintaining the property

6.25pm Laura moved away, hence vacated the officer position
Richelle Sherwood: newly re-elected
Heidi: was elected last year
Laura: would have been up for election this year
-       Nominations were made to fill the vacant position
-       Danica nominated – accepts nomination
6.28pm: Danica is elected with unanimous consent

6.30pm dues discussion
- Per CPI the maximum increase possible is either
- Dec to Dec = +3.5% (=$2.17)
- Annual volatile= +2.7%
- it is voted on which rate to use to determine a possible dues increase
- using the annual CPI to determine a possible dues increase is unanimously approved
- the finances are reviewed and Treasurer Nancy recommends a $1 increase
- it is mentioned that there have been complaints about the amount of money spent

- the discussion regarding a possible dues increase is closed
- the dues will not be increased this year, other measures to be examined first
- No motion to put ballot measure to raise the dues at the summer meeting this year

- Danica volunteers to send 2 additional notices to those that have not paid after the initial request and a reminder notice sent by Nancy
- this notice is going to be hand-delivered (Jay volunteers)
- filing leans on properties with dues 2 years or more past due are a possibility

- a complaint letter is requested to be sent to Lot 45 regarding the ruts

- a new key for the HOA P.O. box is approved if the 2nd key to the P.O. Box cannot be located

7.40pm end of meeting

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

HOA Board Meeting - 10-11-11 meeting minutes

6.35pm – meeting starts

Dawn Davis resigned from her position on the Board of Directors. Nominations were made to fill the vacant position, with term ending in 2013:

- Heidi Jablonski – accepts nomination;

- Gerry Austin – declines nomination (as he is also on the architectural review committee)

6.48pm Heidi is elected with unanimous consent

6.50pm formerly elected officers/directors unanimously approved

Updates in the neighborhood:

- Lot 71 (corner of Saxon/Fircrest) for rent

- Lot 64 – renters moved out

ARC issues:

- a letter was sent to the owner of the convertible mustang

- informed resident of Lot 60 that a boat is not allowed in front of the house; resident stated that the boat is going away to his dad’s house; letter not yet sent – HOA is waiting to see if issue gets resolved

- resident of Lot 73 is complaining about her neighbors’ trees – the HOA has no covenants against hazardous trees; her own tree was finally taken care of;

- Richelle Sherwood sent email to Lot 47, no response, letter to be sent soon

- Lot 48 accumulation of furniture/trash – truck parked on grass


- Heidi suggests welcoming committee for new neighbors

- one more letter to go to BoA


- Parkington Place property: owners cut weeds but left the clippings in piles; Laura to email a written complaint to Gerry

7.20pm Treasurer’s report

- dues increase to be discussed in January based on CPI

- not received/late payments to be discussed

- payment plan option suggested

Neighborhood Park:

- water for the park was turned off

- asked to change sprinkler time, should be in the morning instead of evening hours

Intersection Dover Ct / Fircrest

- pulling out of Dover Ct is dangerous due to limited visibility; frequent close calls

- County was out to review about 5 years ago; County was asked to put in a stop sign, but instead a tree was taken out, which didn’t improve matters

- concave mirrors suggested to HOA

- Gerry contacted County- concave mirrors are not paid for but they accept them

- Gerry researched the cost - cost is about $200 on Amazon;

- Plan to get one concave mirror to start with and determine later if more are needed

- request unanimously approved


- HOA Facebook page – who has/needs access?


- email account for the HOA suggested; approved


- Richelle: scat found in her yard – possible young black bear

- County contacted about speed bump; S. Ebner discussed the issue with the County; after road work is completed the speed bump is supposed to be put in the place it was originally supposed to be to put in; work to resume in 2012;

- possible break in across from Gerry – person known to owner

7.50pm emergency preparedness will be discussed again at next meeting

- first aid, CPR, etc – who to contact who would be home/where are kids;

- a disaster kit party is suggested as well as giving out disaster preparedness prizes instead of gift cards at the annual meeting (to be discussed again in spring)

8.05pm end of meeting