Thursday, September 29, 2011

Annual HOA Meeting/Picnic - 08/02/2011 - meeting minutes

6.30pm meeting starts

Thank you to Dawn Davis for suggesting a food drive for South Kitsap Helpline, to be collected at the annual meeting/picnic

- National Night Out

- no crime sprees here, the only thing noticed by neighbors are teenagers’ parking habits, littering

- next year possible increase in dues, the HOA board will discuss

- Architectural review committee: efforts made, especially on abandoned/vacant homes

- Lot 61 Saxon Ct: BoA yard maintenance is not weed whacking, just mowing

- Recap on HOA efforts regarding this property given (including neighbors getting together to do yard maintenance)

- Other issues: 8 letters sent this year, mainly concerning yard maintenance & its impact on neighbors’ property values

- All issues resolved after letters were sent; primary issue in the neighborhood is still parking

- Question about parking at house on Fircrest/Saxon corner (flatbeds parked in the street)

- A letter was sent and the homeowner contacted, if the problem persists alert the HOA

- vanpools can be parked in the street unlike commercial trailers etc

6.40pm Treasurer’s report by Nancy Rollins

- All insurances paid, didn’t have to pay income tax but a return was filed

- Landscaping fees have been stable for 4 years

- Biggest expense is the park

- 15 people haven’t paid dues this year

- HOA has a lien on one property

- Multiple homes in foreclosure

- Potential buyer on Empress foreclosure

- CPI used as basis to determine HOA annual assessment (dues). Any increase can be no more than the annual increase in the CPI for our area. Since our last increase was to $62 for 2008 (no change for 2009, 2010 & 2011), the Board will carefully decide if an increase should be made for 2012.

- Each year finds some dues unpaid, with this year showing the most delinquencies: 15 properties owe for 1 or more years, plus interest/lien fees. We anticipate that 2011 expenses will exceed Assessment income.

6.52pm: reminder: email alerts going out

- Bear still in the area, lock down at High School for bear & cub

- Owl seen

- Watch for coyotes

- Pick up after pets

- Speed bump:

- 2nd speed bump was put in the wrong spot when the speed bumps were initially put in, 1st bump was recently removed for repaving, if the 2nd bump gets removed for the repaving it should be put back in the correct spot as was planned originally

- Still no date for repaving

7.00pm: Elections

- Director: Jana Sanders elected last year for a 3 year term, is willing to step down because of other responsibilities. Dawn Davis accepted the nomination to complete the remaining 2 years of the term. With no other nominations, Dawn was elected unanimously.

- Director: Richelle Sherwood was chosen for another 3 year term, re-elected with all in favor.

- Director: Laura Young continues as the 3rd Director, with 1 year remaining to her term.

- Treasurer: Nancy Rollins nominated, re-elected with all in favor

- Secretary: Danica Groah, re-elected with all in favor

- Vice President: Michael Groah, re-elected with all in favor

- President: Gerry Austin re-elected with 1 opposed and everyone else in favor (note: Jason Jablonski will consider serving as President when he retires from the Coast Guard)

- Drawing for ACE Hardware gift cards:

o Sheri Wasilchen $50

o Jaclyn Petersen $25

- conclusion "our local Washington Senate & House of Representatives members were invited to our picnic/meeting, but were unable to attend."

7.10pm meeting adjourned

- Households attending: 16 owners & 1 renter

HOA Board Meeting - 07-11-11 meeting minutes

6.30pm meeting starts

- HOA annual meeting will be held on August 2nd at our park on Fircrest

- preparation for the annual meeting: Jaclyn will do the shopping, Gerry will take care of the BBQ

- BoA has not yet paid and we will not be able to use these funds for the BBQ this time; Gerry will follow up again after the 1 year anniversary; he has tried to call and either got a voice mail or no answer

- Last annual meeting: 49 attendees (23 owners or their family) but attendance varies

- possible attendees: Larry Seaquest (local representative); Darryl Kilmer

- Park cannot be wet for the meeting, usually the water is turned on at 5pm;

- shrubs in the park are coming back


- speedbump: one speedbump still remains; article about the removal & repaving in the newsletter

- park & landscaping


- Treasurer’s Report

- 21 past due for 2011, 1 for 2010/11 & interest; 3 for 2009/10 (less $8 plus interest); 2 for 2008-2010; 1 for 2006-10;

- more foreclosure notices received;

- insurance not yet billed


- architectural issues: several issues – letters sent

1: Lot 73 Empress Ct: now they are complaining that their neighbor is leaving boxes/trash outside – this is a violation, Richelle will talk to the homeowner before we send a letter and will get back to us via email; we did receive a written complaint for this issue

2. Lot 71: (corner of Saxon/Fircrest) the renters are leaving up to 4 trailers parked in the street; a letter was sent with a copy of the letter sent to owner; one of the letters was returned as ‘vacant’; have not heard back yet on this issue

3. Lot 57 Saxon Ct: the trailers are supposed to be removed on the 24th of July; response to the previous issue regarding a party: owners claim the neighbor was aggressive and took pictures; response: call the police, this is not the HOA’s responsibility;

4. contact regarding pitbull issues: the dogs are aggressive; if we receive letter/written complaint, we will follow up & involve the Humane Society as well

5. Lot 69 Saxon Ct (Fannie Mae owned property): the front yard was mowed; unsure about the back

- Nancy checked foreclosure status, nothing new showing

6. Nothing new on the status of the Saxon Ct property (Stanford)

- Lot 60: landscaping issues; the house was abandoned; email from owner, stating he is out of state; Gerry’s response to owner: do you want to be referred to landscaping agency?

Vote: if he doesn’t comply, would we extend 30 day period?

- unanimous vote of all five present not to grant an extension;

- as only Richelle is a board member, Laura submitted her vote via email and concurred, voting not to grant an extension

– reasoning: there have been ongoing yard maintenance issues, therefore an extension will not be granted

7.00pm end of meeting