Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Newsletter published

Nice work Richelle on getting the spring newsletter out! I've started this tread so that anyone can ask questions about anything in the newsletter, or provide feedback on any issues that werer brought up.

On another note, my street reflectors have been staying up. Except last week, I noticed that two of them were getting knocked down again. I figured they were the same bored kids, but since I had talked to them, it didn't seem like it had been much of a problem. So I went to go put them back up, and low and behold, I have a new vandal to deal with... this time it's a mole! He's been digging around, and likes to pop up right below the bricks... probably lots of tasty grubs hiding right there. Oh well, I guess it's always gotta be something. The good news is, I'm finally getting grass to grow along the road since people aren't driving on it anymore!

On another nore, Dandelions are becoming a problem on many lots. The old standby Weed and Feed works ok as a temporary fix, but the best solution is really to pull them using a weed puller that gets the whole root. Ace hardware and Fred Meyer both carry a really nice 'step and pull' model for about $25. It takes some time, especially if your yard is big, but it's a great way to get some fresh air, and there are some kids around that would love to do it for you for a few bucks.

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