Friday, March 2, 2007

Street Reflectors

I put out some reflectors on the grassy strip that I maintain along Fircrest, because some people felt like they could park on my lawn there, and I also thought it would help get people to slow down a bit as they come around the corner. Seems to have worked. Nobody's parked there recently, and people do seem to be slowing down... however, my reflectors keep getting knocked down, or stolen during the daytime. They're all up when I go to work in the morning, and then I come home, and they're knocked down, or missing altogether. Eventually, they seem to find their way back when a responsible homeowners finds one somewhere and bring them back.

I don't know who is doing this, but it's becoming a game. I straigthen them up, then they get knocked down again.

I'd appreciate it if anyone sees someone messing with them, if they let me know. It might just be a bored kid walking home from school, in which case, just ask them to stop, and then ask them if they'd like to make some money helping me pull weeds.

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