Thursday, February 15, 2007

Some more tweaks

So I figured out how to load our covenants and some forms onto the Internet Archive, and have linked them on the right side of the page. The Internet Archive is a really cool tool, that's used mostly by hippies to trade old grateful dead recordings, but recently people have been using it for digital archiving and publishing as well. It's basically like a digital version of the Library of Congress, except storage is unlimited. By posting our coventants there, they will forever exist in the public domain, and will be accessable to anyone. We can publish changes, but the original documents, in their original form will always be there, as will every change.... and it's free!

I'm slowly trying to merge the old site to this platform... Telebyte has reactivated our account, Heh, reminds me of a saying... arguing with and engineer, is just like wresting a pig in the mud, sooner or later, you realize that the pig kind of likes it. Anyway, we can probably leave the old site up for a while until we get going...

Anyway, please leave a comment if you log in on what you think of this experiment. You can do this by clicking the 'comment' link below this post.


Dawn said...

Hey Gerry,
Nice job on the blog! It looks great and if very informative. I like the story about "arguing with an enineer..", that was funny! Have a great day. Dawn

Gerry said...

Thanks Dawn, it seems to be working ok doesn't it.