Thursday, August 5, 2021

04 August annual meeting




21 Home Owners in attendance

Officers present

David Black President
Nancy Rollins Treasurer
Jason Jablonski Secretary 

Architecture Committee present
Gerry Austin
David Black
Jason Jablonski

Board Members present
Caitlin Ehli
Ken King
Joseph Beverage

Call To Order 1900

President David Black welcomed everyone, described the boundaries of the HOA and what the purpose of the HOA is about.  Also introduced all current members of the HOA Officers, Board Members and Architecture committee.

Treasurers report given by Nancy Rollins.

January 1 thru August 3, 2021

Detail Income Expense Totals Bank Balance

Checkbook Balance 1/1/2021

18 Month CD @ .45 APY due 6/11/2021 (interest paid quarterly)



Checkbook Balance 8/3/2021

18 Month CD @ .20 APY due 12/11/2022 (interest paid quarterly)

HOA Assessment Status 8/3/2021



Assessment Income

HOA Assessments 2021 5,777.68

HOA Prior Years, Interest, Fees received 2021 1,368.69

HOA Assessments Future 2.44

Total HOA Assessment Income 7,148.81

Bank Interest: 18 Month CD @ .45% due 6/11/2021 9.76

Total Bank Interest Income 9.76

Total Income 7,158.57 7,158.57

Operating Expenses

Annual Meeting Expense 0.00

Insurance: Liability, Director & Officer, Fidelity Bond 1,942.10

CC&R Enforcement 29.50

Lien & Lien Release Expenses 209.00

Newsletter 27.68

Postage, Supplies, Bank Charges, Miscellaneous 122.80

PO Box & State Registration 10.00

Total Operating Expenses 2,341.08

Park Expenses

Electric Service 43.00

Park Improvements 0.00

Landscape Monthly Maintenance + Repairs 2,174.01

Water: Meter Flat Rate & Usage 657.14

Total Park Expenses 2,874.15

Total Expenses 5,215.23

Net Income/Loss 1,943.34



Total Funds Available 11,229.23

93 Members @ 68.00 = $6,324.00 Annual Income

2021: 1 @ 68 + 3 @ various amounts 238.20 1 with ARC Special Assessment

2020-2021 + interest: 2 @ various amounts 638.32 1 with ARC Special Assessments

2019-2021 + interest: 2 @ 228.20 456.40

2017-2021 + interest: 1 420.23

Total Due from 9 Homeowners 1,753.15

Prepared by


Introduction of the park committee. Explained the missing park benches.


Board position 2024 this position was to fill Caitlin Ehli spot.  First voted to fill Ken Kings position this was in error.  Caitlin Ehli was nominated by Rick Chapman, 2nd by Jessica Beverage.  No other nominations were received. Motion for unanimous consent was made by Gerry Austin, 2nd Jason Jablonski. Unanimous consent given for election. Caitlin Ehli duly elected for Board Member position

Office of President: Dave Black was nominated by Rick Chapman 2nd by Caitlin Ehli. No other nominations received. Moved for Unanimous Consent to elect Dave Black as President.  Motion granted. Dave Black duly elected by Unanimous Consent to the office of President.

Office of Vice President: Ken King nominated Alisha Hussey for VP.  2nd by Rick Chapman.  No other nominations given. Motion for unanimous consent. Motion approved.  Alisha Hussey duly elected as Vice President by Unanimous Consent.

Office of Treasurer:  Gerry Austin nominated Nancy Rollins as Treasurer, 2nd by Caitlin Ehli.  No other nominations received.  Motion for electing Treasurer by Unanimous Consent. Motion Carried. Nancy Rollins was duly elected Treasurer by Unanimous Consent.


Office of Secretary:  Jessica Beverage nominated Jason Jablonski for Secretary.  2nd by Gerry Austin.  No other nominations received. Motion to elect Jason Jablonski as Secretary by Unanimous Consent. Motion carried.  Jason Jablonski duly elected as Secretary by Unanimous Consent.

Elections closed.

New Business:

One member inquired about the park and possibilities of selling the property county.  Discussion was had regarding the exact size of the property involved(1.71 acres).  And how would need 2/3 of the home owners to agree to the land transaction.  Was also pointed out that the HOA/Home owners would not be able to receive payout for property.

Brought up about an LLC purchasing property for Lease to own customers and wondering if there was anything in CC&R’s regarding legality.  Gerry Austin pointed out that according to our CC&R’s that there is no rule stating the limitations of LLC’s purchasing property.  It was also pointed out that HOA’s do not have the power to “pick and chose” who is allowed to purchase/move into their areas. 


Good of the Order:

President reminded everyone the importance of having a will incase something bad happens.  There are two properties where someone passed and did not have a will. The houses stayed in a state of disrepair for up to 5 years.

Drawing for $25/$50 gift card

$25 awarded to Black family

$50 awarded to Chapman family


Date set for next annual meeting 03 August 2022 630 pm for food meeting at 7 pm.

Meeting closed 1945