Meeting 6/10
June 10, 2015
6:57 PM
Michael Groah, Dave
Black , Alan Mygatt-Tauber, Heidi Jablonski, Nancy Rollins, Heather
- Call to Order (Mike 19:03)
- Financial Report - Nancy
- Several inquiries on foreclosed properties inquiring on past dues
- Further review of past dues
- Properties 53 Earls Ct & 57 Saxon/Fircrest are the most past due
- Since there has been no notice of foreclosure for these properties, it makes sense to file a lien, after appropriate notice.
- Send Certified mail notice that a lien will be filed if not paid by a specific date (at least 15 days from the date of mailing).
- What about the group of 4 in the $200 range?
- 2nd notice with note that a lien could be placed, specifying the dollar amount the lien would add to their bill.
- Lot 21 making payments
- Give her a grace period and drop certain amount of interest
- All Others will get a past due stamp on the envelope for their 2nd Notice with newsletter.
- No answer from the Chapman's on audit
- ARC Committee -Dave
- No report from Dave
- Barb next to Sherwoods
- The piles are starting to grow
- In the past had cited illness
- Approach her and ask her if she needs help
- Give her a chance to help her
- Options are to call:
- Fire Department
- County for nuisance property
- Start the fine proceedings
- Black tarp property
- Dave, Gerry and Rick will create a new approach
- Need a plan with expectations
- Fence for dog
- Landscaping
- Visibility from the street is key
- Corner lot Saxon and Fircrest
- Grass is out of control
- Lot 61 is being repainted in a color that may be questionable
- Lot 67 backyard needs cut back.
- General Comments
- Mailbox blocking
- Facebook group
- Pin a note about conduct
- What about complaints?
- Mike will put a picture of the neighborhood
- Park Committee
- Rick is pricing wraps for the posts
- Broken table was removed
- Alan and Rick are the committee to replace the picnic table
- Heidi proposed to have the subcommittee have a proposal to the board so that a new table is in place for the picnic
- Dave will talk to the committee about the watering situation.
- Nancy follows up with Richelle about the status of the lawn care
- Picnic
- August 5th 6:00, Meeting 6:30
- Black's will shop
- All beef hot dogs
- Black's have all the supplies
- Nancy will get the gift cards
- 1 at $50
- 1 at $25
- Heather will put on Facebook
- Jablonskis, Blacks, Groahs will help deliver notices and invitations
- Gerry grill? If not the Mygard-Taubers
- Dave will bring the cooking pot and camping stove to boil
- Jablonskis will make the flyer
- Newsletter - Dave
- Content
- The new fining regime
- Park committee and new picnic table
- Schedule
- Aim for July 10th
- Time it with when 2nd notices go out
- General mailing to the rest
- Overdue notice deliveries
- Move to close 20:36