Tuesday, March 31, 2015

2015 2nd Quarter Board Minutes

Conifer Park #6 HOA Board
2015 2nd Quarter Meeting
March 25th, 2015
Present:  Michael Groah, Rich Chapman , Nancy, Rollins Richelle Sherwood, Alan Mygatt-Tauber, Heather Mygatt-Tauber, Dave Black

Call to Order Mike 7:04
1.     Financial Report
a.     Dues are trickling in.
b.     Review of Past due for prior years
                                               i.     Some are settling
c.      Alan Mygatt-Tauber reviewed our CCnR’s and Lien procedures with an attorney and our lien is the lowest of the low and to become a Super Lien,which would give the HOA more teeth, the HOA would have to amend the CCnR.
d.     Records prior to Nancy are a bit inconsistent and there is a gap in custody of records.
e.     Not wise to file a Lien on 61 that is in foreclosure.
                                               i.     Lien would be a junior lien and likely the monies not recoverable.
f.      HOA License updated with Secretary of State
g.     Filed the HOA Income Taxes
h.     Move to accept Treasurers Report
                                               i.     Voted and seconded
2.     New Business
a.     Enforcement procedure notifications
                                               i.     Was expecting to be in Newsletter
                                              ii.     Special mailing with the new enforcement procedures
1.     Falls to ARC to author and then it will be mailed.
b.     Next meeting
                                               i.     Wednesday June 10th
1.     7:00
2.     Mygatt-Tauber
3.     ARC
a.     What is the status of the Park committee
                                               i.     Need to meet
b.     Landscapers mowed etc just once per month in Dec, Jan & Feb 
c.      Wrap the posts with metal so they don’t get more damaged.
d.     Park Committee meeting on 3/28
e.     Move to form committee to explore new picnic table to replace the broken table that is being disposed of.
                                               i.     Alan
                                              ii.     Rick

4.     Move To Close 7:46 Rick