Sunday, February 24, 2013

HOA Board Meeting - 10-18-12 meeting minutes

HOA meeting minutes – October 18th, 2012

-      Present at meeting: Michael Groah, Danica Groah, Gerry Austin, Nancy Rollins, Heidi Jablonski, Jaclyn Petersen

6.36pm: meeting starts
- Treasurer’s report
- removed speed bumps on Fircrest: the County has not been called yet to ask when they will be put back in – we assume that weather plays part in their schedule for this road project. Michael will call them for an update on when reinstallation of the speed bumps can be expected.
- It is noted that the HOA did not have to pay for the original speed bumps as they were put in the wrong place (one in front of Ebner’s house) and should have been on either side of the park, not by anyone’s drive way
- Lot 73 on Empress Ct: the home owner was informed of speeding, renters parking on the grass and the issue is now considered resolved
- Lot 57 on Saxon Ct: Equipment is left in the yard, car is parked up front with flat tires. There is a possibility the property will be put up for sale in Spring. A letter is to be sent here.
- One of the owners of lot 68 on Saxon Ct was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and has been wandering around the neighborhood. The HOA will contact the husband to see if he would like a picture of her to be posted in the next newsletter to alert neighbors in case she is seen wandering outside on her own. Mike recommends to call 911 if she is seen on her own and seems to be a threat to herself or others. She likes to go to a nearby retirement home by the golf course to visit a friend. The husband will be contacted to ask if an email alert should go out.
- Lot 89 on Conifer Park Dr: people are parking a King County vanpool van on this neighbor’s lawn, action to be taken if this is a continuing problem
-      Mail addressed to a resident of Lot 62 on Saxon Ct was stolen:  birthday cards were sliced open, 2 other mail items were fine but 1 was taken. The HOA will alert neighbors to be alert.
-      Lot 18 on Dover Ct sold
-      Jaclyn is likely to move to SC in Spring
-      HOA past due notices: The notices are ready to go and according to Nancy only one person has not paid for 2012 (in addition to the other past due homeowners).
-      It is agreed that a lien will be filed if no payment is received after the 3rd notice for those owing since 2008
A discussion is started whether an incentive should be given for paying within 30 days of the 3rd notice.
-      Gerry: motion to allocate $200 to file liens
-      A discount of approximately $50 will be given on the amount owed if the past due fees are paid within 30 days of the notice (range of 10% amnesty)
-      The letters for those owing since 2008 will be sent by certified mail, return receipt. All fees will be itemized in this letter
-      Call to vote
7.25pm: motion passed unanimously
7.32pm meeting ends