Home Owner’s Association Board Meeting
30th of January, 2011
o 6.00pm: meeting starts
- received notice that one house on Empress is now in foreclosure
- we have not yet received a check from BoA for the 4054 SE Saxon Ct yard cleanup that was performed in August 2010 by several neighbors; we still plan on using this money for a BBQ for the HOA picnic/meeting if we receive it in time
- the window of 4054 SE Saxon is still not fixed, Gerry will call BoA again; due to the window shape it will need to be custom glass; it has been over 5 months since BoA was asked to make the repairs; Gerry received a quote from Port Orchard Glass, they would fix the window for about $575; if the HOA decided to get the window repaired by themselves, we do have the paper trail with BoA and can get reimbursed through small claims court
o 6.15pm:
- Trees on 4064 SE Empress Ct property: the owner submitted request about trees, arbors came out
- Issues with owners of the same house: Parking on grass, blocking stop signs, running stop signs, multiple cars parked in front
o 6.25pm:
- 15 houses are not owner occupied
- the broken garage door at 4065 SE Saxon Ct has not been repaired yet, the backyard is still not being maintained
- 2 new foreclosures notices
o Treasurer’s report: $115.33 loss but 10 homeowners have not paid their dues
- Increases in homeowner dues:
§ 1989 to 2005 = assessment of $43
§ 2006 = The Board voted for a raise of $1.20 to $44.20 (the 2005 CPI increase of 2.8%)
§ At the 2006 Annual meeting, we voted (83% in favor) to increase the assessment to $60 for 2007
§ 2007 = $60
§ 2008 = the Board voted to raise $2 to $62 (2007 CPI increase of 3.9% allowed $2.42 increase)
§ 2009 = billed $62 again, even though 2008 CPI increase of 4.2% would have allowed dues increase of $2.60
§ 2010 = billed $62 again; 2009 CPI increase of 0.6% would have allowed $0.37 above the $62 base
§ 2011 = we voted to keep the dues at $62; CPI change of 0.3% allowed $0.19 increase
o Per covenants, the HOA can’t raise the dues by more than the cost of living increase (CPI); therefore we could only raise the dues by $0.19 given the current rate change of 0.3% for our area
o With the Treasurer’s Report showing a loss, it was discussed whether to increase the homeowner’s dues
§ Vote: 3 votes to keep the dues at the current rate, 1 vote to raise the dues
§ Result: the dues will be kept at $62 for now
o The Treasurer’s Report & CPI will be watched closely next year; currently there is no huge deficit and the report will show a plus once unpaid dues are in
- Question raised on Sanford house: should the HOA pay for repairs or continue efforts to get the window fixed by BoA; agreed to continue to keep on pressure, reconvene in spring
- Garage sale set for June 11th, Jaclyn will take care of the advertising, adds will be placed in newspaper & military newspaper with the ad cost to be covered by the HOA
- Annual meeting: first Tuesday in August ( 2nd), 6pm dinner, 6.30pm meeting; invitations to be extended to local commissioner, sheriff, fire station
-When Nancy is on vacation, Danica to get HOA mail from P.O. Box
- Next newsletter: ask people to prepare for the garage sale; gardening article, crazy driving; no raise in homeowner dues (mention that there was no raise since 2008, show history, state that future may necessitate raise)
- Next HOA meeting: April
o 7.05pm: Meeting ends